Personal Vison

            My life in twenty years is really hard for me to even imgaine. I’m still not even sure about where I will be a year from now. I have lots of dreams and aspirations, but that’s if everything goes as planned in the next twenty years. I can’t even picture myself being thirty-seven, it’s just too scary. But since I’m not sure for a fact where I will be, I’ll just tell you where I would like to be. And hopefully it would look something like this:

            I will go to college, just because I think that’s where I will find what I’m really passionate about. It will be a four year liberal arts college, just because I know for a fact that I am not interested in any science or math. I am interested in majoring in Communications, Sociology, and Public Relations. I’m just going to have to see if that’s really what I want, but somewhere around Communications and Media Studies is what I kind of want to persue. But also during college, I just don’t want to focus on my major I want to travel abroad somewhere either in South Africa or South America. I think traveling abroad will also help me figure out what I want to do.

            After high school, hopefully I know what I want to major in. Right now, I think it might just be Communications with a minor in Sociolgy. Once I graduate I would like to take a year off, and just to travel around Europe. Hopefully, I find out what I want to do with my career. Traveling is definitely going to be a huge part of life. Learning about other cultures and different languages will be exciting, so traveling is a must. When it comes to the social aspect of my life, I will be around twenty three-tewnty four years old which is really young so I will definitely be partying it up and hitting up the hottest clubs all over the country .

            Their will be a time in my life where I will want to settle down. And all I know is that once I have a stable career I would like to settle down with a man. This man will hopefully be very attractive, smart, and funny. I want a life-long partner who is intersted in my future and is willing to travel. But also, someone who respects me and my family. Once I find my hunk, I want to get married around twenty seven, in San Francisco and have a huge, but elegant wedding with all of my family and friends. After being married for about two-three years, I want to have four kids: Daniel, Keanu, Jullian, and Shia. After marriage and kids, I want to open up a Café with my four sisters. I think that would keep me and my sisters very close even though we all will go our seprate ways in life.

            This is just a thought of how I would like my life to turn out in twenty years. Eventhough I know it may not turn out exactly like this, I just want to make sure that I am happy doing whatever I choose. As long as I know that I have family and friends to support me, than I know whatever I do will be something that I enjoy. And knowing me, the next twenty years of my life will definitely be a journey filled with challenges and obstacles that I will overcome. 
